Paul urged Timothy "Make every effort to come before winter." (2 Tim 4:21 NASB) It is a time of year that offers differing levels of danger to travel. Whether that trek is short; from home to vehicle on slippery walks or a long journey, for whatever reason, over roads that cannot be perfectly planned for. This is much like life in general. Precarious. Especially for our souls' eternal condition. Don't wait 'til the winter of your life to fix it. Come to Jesus now! We can show you the 'travel plan' Jesus has for you! ... Just ask!
![]() Is it rue that we can worship God anyway we choose; to attend the Church of our choice? Click the link above to see a short lesson answering that question! See more of our sermons on YouTube.
Lord's Day Worship (Sunday!)
"Oh come,let us worship and bow down..." (Psalm 95:6) Sundays at 10:00AM (Bible class at 9).
Mid-Week Study Wednesday
7:00 PM (Sometimes held at members homes.) Currently on hold, but contact us if you're interested in personal studies.
Individual Study (Any day!)
Personalized studies are provided (and encouraged)! Simply click here for more information!
Here we have a description of a few of the ministries available in our Congregation.